Revision of my world domination plans

Dear all, as you have probably already noticed, with all the post-holiday blues yours truly doesn’t seem to be feeling very talkative right now.

With well expected urge to reassess one’s goals in life (A.K.A revision of my world domination plans ;).

 Hope  by  the end of this process, I will come out much wiser ;). And I would like to say…  prettier ;).

But let’s face it how much of my  beauty can this world possibly bear ;). So in the mean time I will continue posting

some of the old pics and new paintings/drawings that I’m currently working on.  As it seems to help me with my world

domination plans (from this point onward I shall refer to it as my W.D.P. ;). So please wish me well and please try not to miss me too much.

 Love! E ;0) x x x x

P.S. Actually let me retract the last sentence. Please go ahead and miss me a lot (well as much as you can possibly stand;).

P.P.S I will be making those posts in the “just pics” category.


3 thoughts on “Revision of my world domination plans

  1. pouringmyartout

    ummm… just so you know, as per that whole ‘world domination thing’… I am already running this and all other universes… mostly due to low voter turnout. I guess, if you want to run this one planet, we could work something out… thanks.

    1. Elena W Post author

      And I am very pleased you do!!! P.S. As you can see I’m practicing my grand speech technique. I found that to be a very necessary part of any respectable W.D.P. Not that I’ve seen many though…. But then again, given how unique this concept is I would imagine it should be hard to find. ;0) x x x x x