Category Archives: Various techniques of successfully hedging your bets in everyday life

Room full of elephants with sharp inner teeth ;0)!


Various techniques of successfully

hedging your bets in everyday life. Or my personal guide-

map to a small room stuffed with elephants that


very well polished sharp inner teeth ;0)!

How do you even get into that room?!!!! Just

try your best to squeeze in. As they would not

budge, no matter what you do! Instead they

will try to push you close to the door and then

out where you came from. Disregarding

completely that it is actually your room!

1) You’d need to have a very special map that

can be used to navigate around the room. As it really does

 get beyond crowded sometimes !!!  That

map has to be

small enough to fit into your pocket and not to stick out so it might

pock the elephants. As when that happens

they start noticing you and that (as you would see later) is not such a

good thing at all.

2) When trying to get to the same corners of the

room on a regular basis, it helps to make some

sort of a trail to help you in the future.


I think that nowadays it should be an

absolute must

subject in Schools (no actually it’s

best to start from the

kindergarten) – “Various techniques of how to

successfully hedge your bets in everyday life

(for 3 year olds;)”. I think if you leave it till

 later the vital time will be lost and a

possibility of them growing up to be some non-realistic

delusional losers will become inevitable.


–      watch this space as I will continue the story later –


Stay safe and sane till then!


                           Love! E ;0) x x x x


It’s a such a beautiful autumn day outside my windows:0) Makes one want to get up, open the balcony doors then go make some hot apple juice with cinnamon sticks and just a bit of brown sugar (plain digestive biscuits on the side are completely optional of course;).