MH17 Flight

 listok 8

Dear All

I just wanted to let you know how sorry I feel about the tragedy of MH17 plane. And I so very much hope it has not affected you personally in any way.

I have lit up a virtual candle and am inviting you to join me in remembering all the  victims of this awful tragedy….

With all my love



ElenaW into art ;0)

“God doesn’t require us to succeed; He only requires that you try.” (Mother Teresa)

window view 1

With that in mind…

On the WDP side of things…  Since I’ve set up my blog, people keep

asking me if I have my work (drawings/ photos/paintings) displayed

anywhere (besides my place of course 😉 and if it is possible to buy any of

them.  So I have decided not to waste any time wandering…and to set

up a gallery website.

As this website going be devoted to my journey into the world of art.

I have decided to call this venture –  “ElenaW into art”  and have just

registered a corresponding domain name. Further development of that

website/ecommerce side of things will follow shortly and will be handled

by a very dear friend of mine, whose contact details I will be of course

sharing a with you in due course. So for further updates on “ElenaW into

art” please watch this space  (that I’m also planning to change before the spring ends;0)

I will be back very soon with my usual surreal way of storytelling.

Stay Safe and Sane till then! And please make sure you are using your sanity for success!!! 😉 Love! E ;0) x x x x


“First they ignore you, then they ridicule

you, then they fight you, and then you win.”  (Mahatma Gandhi)


Happy Easter to all! And an update on my WDP (world domination plans ;0)! (I’m aware that it sounds a bit like an oxymoron;)

Happy Easter Dear Darlings! ;0) May all your wishes of renewal and rejuvenation come true this spring!

And keeping that wonderful occasion in mind,   whilst updating you on the

current state of my affairs, I will be quoting two great people. Whose strength of character

and wisdom never cease to amaze me and always give me hope that true understanding,

devotion and pure love could one day be within my reach. I just need to never stop searching for it within me.

   “I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes

time for God to judge us, he will not ask, ‘How many good things have you done in your life?’

rather he will ask, ‘How much love did you put into what you did?'” (Mother Teresa)

““The path is the goal.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

Ok, back to the update on my WDP! ;0) First thing first… I’m glad to

tell you that I have finished working on some of my paintings! ;0)  Some of them have left

the nest already 😉 And now belong to two wonderful people who love them very much!

(here they are ;0)

photo 1 (4)



Ok, I think this post is becoming quite long already (and I still have so much more to tell

about my amazing plans! 😉 So I’m going to stop typing now and write it all into the new post

tomorrow (or later on today before I go sleep;)

Am leaving you now with one more quote of a very courageous woman and just a preview

of my new work.

Will see you very soon! Can hardly wait to tell you all the news!

Love you much! E;0) x x x x

P.S. “Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a

duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfil it. Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an

adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight

for it.”

(Mother Teresa)

window view

Canvas pillow talk

Whilst continuing my life-time-long love affair with colours I keep wondering, shall I just

scream what I can not (or for some reason just will not) whisper?



photo 1




photo 2

cbred paintingI think I’ll try… and see how that turns out!  ;0)

Enjoy the glorious summer time Sun! And do your best to stay out of trouble (sunburns and all… 😉

Love you loads! E ;0) x x x x

P.S. Will keep you updated on the results (not the process itself though as one seems to be way too private for that;)!

Quick update on where I am with my sketches


Blue Sunday

By the Man whose colours inspire me always:  “The power of profound meaning is found in

blue, and first in its physical movements (1)of retreat from the spectator, (2) of turning in

upon its own centre. The inclination of blue to depth is so strong that its inner appeal is

stronger when its shade is deeper. “Blue is the typical heavenly colour. The ultimate feeling

it creates is one of rest. When it sinks almost to black, it echoes a grief that is hardly human.

When it rises towards white, a movement little suited to it, its appeal to men grows weaker

and more distant…” – See more at:

Stay Inspired (and use it for good;)! 

Love! E ;0) x x x x

My highschool crash…

I wonder, how different my life would be if I never read that poem and saw that

painting… Kind of nature vs nurture question. I’m usually on the nature’s side of

things but now I’m not so sure… What about you?

Love! E ;0) x x x x x

File:Vrubel Demon.jpg


Life-Death importance of the punctuation marks…. or the unlikeliest events that trigger inspiration!

To be or not..  :,0(  To be! ;0) To love or not… To love! Well

those were the most obvious ones hence I ought to ask …To

keep dreaming or to… wake up? 😉 And  to my

own surprise… I’m choosing the latter (which isn’t like me

at all ;). It might be due to the spring, that is so undoubtedly in

the air. But I regard this to an amazing event that recently took

place in my life.  A Pilgrim, whom I haven’t seen for many

centuries (as one can’t/doesn’t really want to be updated on

their 700 years pilgrimage schedule 😉   had made an

appearance. Bringing with them exotic veil of tireless white

desert sun, mercilessly shining over the endless sand dunes.

That by the end of the day is changing for the bottom-of –the-

well- cold desert night that is so full of magic… And of course

the most mesmerising stories that take one so far away into the

world of the whole new dimensions… And that has inspired me

to go back to painting that I’m sure I will enjoy ;0) I will keep you

updated when and if… 😉 Am

leaving you for now with this Celtic

Harp tunes that seem to reflect my current mood.

With all my love! E ;0) x x x x

mask bv