Tag Archives: sketch

Quick update on where I am with my sketches


Blue Sunday

By the Man whose colours inspire me always:  “The power of profound meaning is found in

blue, and first in its physical movements (1)of retreat from the spectator, (2) of turning in

upon its own centre. The inclination of blue to depth is so strong that its inner appeal is

stronger when its shade is deeper. “Blue is the typical heavenly colour. The ultimate feeling

it creates is one of rest. When it sinks almost to black, it echoes a grief that is hardly human.

When it rises towards white, a movement little suited to it, its appeal to men grows weaker

and more distant…” – See more at: http://www.mywowweb.com/jung_meets_kandinsky/#sthash.duyt5jkX.dpuf

Stay Inspired (and use it for good;)! 

Love! E ;0) x x x x